Danilo Souza da Cunha

A founder and member of: Projeto SHIVA.

Resumé on Lattes Platform.

Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computing by Mackenzie (Stricto Sensu).

A member of LCoN - Natural Computing and Machine Learning Laboratory.

Thesis: "Inteligência de enxame aplicada a problemas complexos de análise de dados: agrupamento multiobjetivo e mineração de regras de associação em Data Streams".

M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering by Mackenzie (Stricto Sensu).

A member of LCoN - Natural Computing Laboratory.

Dissertation: "Evolução de regras de associação para recomendação de produtos em comércio eletrônico".

Areas: Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Data Mining, Associative Rules, Recommender Systems, Natural Computing, Evolutionary Computation, Artificial Immune System, Swarm Intelligence.

Graduated in Database Systems by UFPA (Lato Sensu).

Monograph: "Base de dados de gestão de ordens de serviço: Extração e Pós-processamento de regras interessantes para apoio à decisão".

Data mining to support strategic decision in a technological center.

Areas: Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Data Mining, Associative Rules.

Undergraduated in Bachelor of Computer Science by CESUPA.

Final Paper: "Teclado virtual: uma solução para inclusão digital".

Augmented Reality applied to info inclusion of disabled people.

Areas: Augmented Reality, Human Computer Interface, Computer Graphics and Image Processing.

Internship from July 2006 to July 2008 at the Center for Informatics and Telecommunications (CITEL) of the Military Police at Pará (PMPA). Acting in the development and maintenance of software areas.

Areas: Software Engineering, Computer Networks, Database Administration.

Technologies: Java, JSP, PHP, MySQL, Linux.

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